Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A New Blog! Hip, hip, hooray!

Well, I finally had the nerve to give up tumblr and my old xanga. New beginnings are always strange at first, but I have a feeling this is the beginning of something GREAT! I was in dire need of a face lift in my blogging world and I feel that I've come to the right place. Not to say I will have this forever, but it's a start. 

A majority of what I will blog about will be photography...although I fully intend on speaking from the heart and mind at times. I PROMISE to keep this blog updated (unlike my failed attempt at tumblr). I joined blogspot.com because I was tired of the hassle of switching back and forth between flickr & tumblr. It was so annoying! I just hope I can figure all this web stuff out. 

I'm currently working on building a website so when I get that up and running I will let you know! Please check back for updates:) 

Love to you all.


Brent Ryan Green said...
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Brent Ryan Green said...

I am ready to see some pictures

BarbC said...

Hey Abby! Looking forward to seeing more of your wonderful photographs and reading your blog! Enjoyed seeing you last weekend! Barbara

About Me

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I follow my heart & pursue my dreams.
